울산 천만사, 세계평화국태민안 영산대재에 주한 각국대사부부 참석
울산 천만사, 세계평화국태민안 영산대재에 주한 각국대사부부 참석
  • 코리아포스트
  • 승인 2009.10.28 10:47
  • 댓글 0
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울산 천만사, 세계평화국태민안 영산대재에 주한 각국대사부부 참석

영산대재가 전국각지의 불교계 지도자들과 주한 각국대사부부 그리고 지역 기관장들이 참석한 가운데 경상남도 울산시 천만사(대회장•주지: 향덕 박승억)에서 2009년 10월 25일 일요일에 성대하게 봉행되었다.

향덕스님은 대회사에서 “이 지구촌, 한지붕에 살고있는 인류 모두는 한 형제요, 한 가족이라는 것을 인식해야 합니다”라고 강조한 후 “오늘 소승의 세계평화를 향한 변함없는 순수한 마음은 365일 물러남이 없는 정진으로 계속 될 것입니다.”라는 다짐으로 마무리 하였다.

이 영산대재에 불교계 인사로는 대운산 보타사 보타스님, 한국불교 대불종 총무원장 만주스님, 한국불교 구산선문회 회장 심향법장 스님, 호국불교 효예종 종정 법진스님, 대승불교 조계종 원로원장 법각스님, 대원불교 대원종 종정 신풍스님, 한국불교 조계종 총무원장 일웅스님, 충남불교 조계종 종정 청암스님, 대한불교종단 총연합회 회장 의륜스님, 세계불교승왕청 최고위원 영각사 주지 현공스님, 대원불교 대원종 종회의장 법정스님 등 각 종단 종정스님들이 대거 참석하였다.

주한외교사절단에서는 ㈜코리아포스트(발행인: 이경식 회장)의 주선으로 “케올라” 라오스 대사, “알리” 파키스탄 대사부부, “모스타파” 레바논 대사부부 “게렐” 몽고대사 부부, “타얄”인도대사, “푸지타”브라질 대사, “벨라”슬로바키아 대사, “칼라스카라오” 동티모르 대사부부, “마린코빅”세르비아 대사부부, “돔베”앙골라 대리 대사부부, “토레스 코르도바”멕시코 대리 대사부부, “타훈”이집트 상무전권공사 부부, “옥훈조노브” 우즈베키스탄 부대사 부부, “나잉” 미얀마 수석무관, “위브”캄보디아 상무참사, “부렌-얼덴” 몽고 일등서기관, “알-함마다니” 이라크 아타쉐 부부, “렌즈”독일 평화대사 , “엘리자베스 드 종” 영국 평화대사, “왕강”중국법제일보 서울지국장이 참석하였고 이들과 함께 서울에서 사단법인 한복진흥회 진향자 회장, 궁중자수-전통한복 디자이너 정명자 이조고방 원장, 성균관대학교 김승희 다례교수, 사단법인 세계합기도협회 엄상섭 총재, 황문수 충청대학교수 등이 참석하였다.
그리고 울산지역에서는 박맹우 울산시장을 대신해서 강석구 울산북구청장, 임정섭 울산중부경찰서장, 문석주 울산북구의회 부의장, 시민의 발 서비스 김정주 대표이사 등이 참석하여 축사를 해 주었다.

영산재는 5대 불교의식 가운데 가장 규모가 큰 의식이다. 1973년 11월 5일 중요무형문화재 제50호로 지정된바 있고, 올해 2009년 9월 30일에는 유네스코(UNESCO) 인류무형문화유산 대표목록(Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity)에 등재된 세계적인 인류 무형유산이기도 하다.
영산재는 석가모니 부처가 영취산에서 설법하던 영산회상을 상징화한 의식절차이다. 영산회상을 열어 영혼을 발심시키고, 그에 귀의하게 함으로써 극락왕생하게 한다는 의미를 갖는다. 다시 부연하자면 영산재의 유래는 석가모니 부처 당시 영취산 (Mt. Gdhrakua) 에서 법화경을 설할 때 묘음보살이 석가모니 부처의 지혜와 덕을 시적인 노래로 부른 것을 후에 영산회상 법화경 설법을 배경으로 형상화 한데서 유래되었다고 구전으로 전하여 오고 있다. 영산재(靈山齋)란 영산은 영산회상의 줄인 말이고, 재의 어원은 범어 uposadha에서 유래된 말로써 스님들의 공양의식을 뜻한다. 영산재는 나무대성인로왕보살 인도 아래 금일 도량에서 재를 베풀어 망자로 하여금 해탈과 극락왕생을, 살아있는 대중에게는 불법의 가르침과 신앙심을 고취시키는 한편 부처님 당시의 영산회상을 금일 도량에 다시금 꾸며, 모든 중생으로 하여금 불법 인연을 짓고 업장소멸과 깨침을 주는데 영산재 목적을 두고 있다.

이 영산재는  49재 가운데 하나로 사람이 죽은 지 49일 만에 영혼을 천도하는 의식과 국가의 안녕과 군인들의 무운장구, 큰 조직체를 위해서도 행한다.

영산재는 몸과 마음과 영혼으로 노래하고 춤추고 기도하는 종교이며 예술이며 철학이고 우리의 '살아 숨 쉬는 불교문화'요, '불교예술의 종합체'요, '문화 콘텐츠가 가능한 불교축제'이기도 하다.

오후 행사에서 천만사 신도를 비롯한 한국 불자들과 이곳을 방문한 주한외교사절단이 손을 맞잡고 우리나라 민요에 맞춰 강강술래를 하며 천만사 대적광전 앞을 돌면서 행사 분위기를 고조시킨 것이 인상적이었다.

이날 주한외교사절단의 천만사 방문에 대한 감사의 표시로 향덕스님(대회장)은 신체와 영혼을 정화시킨다는 칼라챠크라 만다라(원형 만다라)를 각각 증정하였고 특히 방문단장인 “케올라”라오스 대사와 “알리”파키스탄 대사에게는 달마도를 선물하였다.

Grand Yeongsan-Jae Buddhist Rite solemnly observed at Cheonman-Sa Buddhist Temple 

Envoys, spouses have rare experience in Yeongsan-Jae Buddhist Rite in Ulsan City

A Grand Yeongsan-Jae Buddhist Rite was solemnly observed at the Cheonman-Sa Buddhist Temple in Ulsan Metropolitan City on Oct. 25, 2009 with the participation of the chief abbots of 12 different Buddhist orders from Seoul and all other regions of the country. They included Chief Abbots Bota from Daeun-san Bota Buddhist Temple and
Jo Seong-Su of the Korean Buddhist Daebul Order (list of the participating chief abbots at the end of this article). It was hosted by Chief Abbot Hyangdeok of the Cheonman-Sa Buddhist Temple, concurrently chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Rite.
Yeongsan-Jae is one of the five biggest Buddhist rites designated by the government as Intangible Cultural Asset No. 50 and by the UNESCO as Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Buddhist Rite was organized by Chief Abbot Ven. Hyangdeok of the Cheonman-Sa Temple and in supplication for peace and prosperity of the world as well as Korea and, naturally, ambassadors and madams of the Buddhist countries and those of other religions were invited to attend the Rite as VIP guests.
In a sermon at the Rite, Chief Abbot Hyangdeok said in part: “We offer prayers to help the deceased souls still wandering in the Hades to find their way into the Paradise and for the preservation and enhancement of peace and prosperity in the world. The mankind is working toward achieving an everlasting peace and prosperity. In spite of such an effort, however, the people are far from extricating themselves from endless conflicts and confrontations due to their limitless selfishness and pursuit of personal gains.” (Further details of the sermon are at the end of this article.)
Many of the participating chief abbots of the different Buddhist orders made a congratulatory speech each, in which they stressed the importance of the Yeongsan-Jae Rite and congratulated Ven. Hyangdeok on the successful organization of the Rite for the sake of the security and prosperity of Korea and all the countries of the world.
From the Seoul Diplomatic Corps, the congratulatory speech was made by H.E. Soukthavone Keola of the Lao Republic as the dean of the visiting members of the Seoul Diplomatic Corps. The Lao Republic is known for the large population of Buddhist believers who account for 80 to 90 percent of the entire religious population in the country.In the speech, Ambassador Keola said that mankind is working toward achieving an everlasting peace and prosperity with the cooperation and contribution of all countries and peoples.The Yeongsan-Jae Buddhist rite was opened with a tape-cutting ceremony joined by the 12 Korean Buddhist leaders, the visiting ambassadors and other senior diplomats with their spouses and the government and civic leaders of the Ulsan City. Mayor Park Maeng-Woo was unable to officially attend the Rite obviously due to the restrictions of the Korean Election Law which prohibit politicians from attending public gatherings during the election period which might be used as part of electioneering. On his behalf, came Magistrate Gang Suk-Gu of the Buk-gu District of the Ulsan City to attend the Rite. There also was Senior Superintendent Lim Jung-Sub of the Ulsan Police Station among the local VIPs attending the Rite.
Originally, over 1,000 Buddhist believers and guests had been scheduled to attend the Rite on the first day but there were only a few hundred guests due to precautionary measures against continuously spreading swine flu.
The 12 chief abbots made congratulatory speeches and offered prayers for peace, prosperity and well-being of all the peoples of the world as well as the Korean peninsula.
The luncheon for the VIP guests (members of the Seoul Diplomatic Corps, chief abbots and society leaders of the Ulsan City, Seoul and other parts of the country) were prepared in a buffet so that the foods and drinks could meet the different palates of the   VIP guests from many different countries and religions. The temple foods normally consist all of vegetables and fruits and there are no meat or fish. However, meat and fish were provided out of consideration for the non-Buddhist guests, including the diplomats from many different countries.While the guests had their luncheon, the ceremony continued by many Buddhist leaders inside the Main Daejeok Gwangjeon Building of the Temple, including Vara Buddhist Dance and chanting of sutras.
All kinds of foods, including rice cakes and fruits, were placed to the large altar in front of the Buddhist images.The luncheon was followed by Buddhist songs and dances by women believers in Buddhism who sang and danced on a large sheet of green carpet placed on the front yard of the main Daejeok Gwangjeon Building.

Presently, a woman Buddhist believer came toward the lady guests from the Diplomatic Corps and invited them to join the dance. The first foreign lady to join the dance was Mrs. Majida Mostapha, wife of the ambassador of Lebanon, who had a rare talent in Korean music and dance. She won a wild acclaim from the Korean women Buddhist believers. Soon almost all the ambassadors and other visiting senior diplomats joined the dance with their spouses in a circle dance which was named Ganggang Suwollae in the mundane world.

The Rite also included a fund-raising event where a number of women believers carried a long cloth and walked around the front yard of the Temple and on the long cloth one woman believer slided a miniature temple building with a large door. Ambassador and Mrs. Dorjpalam Gerel of Mongolia put their donation into the small temple and a number of other ambassadors and wives as well as some Korean guests followed their suit and put some money into the miniature temple. Amb. and Mrs. Gerel of Mongolia showed that they really knew much about Buddhism and Buddhist rites by making the donation while some of the Korean VIP guests did not know that the small miniature temple was a donation box – let alone putting their donation into it. Chief Abbot Hyangdeok had prepared a Buddhist Good Luck Charm with a Hindu Name, Kala Chakra Mandala, for the visiting members of the Diplomatic Corps. It was supposed to provide the keeper with good luck, the best of health and prosperity. It was thickly coated with gold. KalaChakra Mandala is compared to a “Wheal of Timelessness” and is known to purify the mind and body of the people making them good persons. People have both good luck and hard luck. However, when the people accept the Mandala in their heart, it is supposed to expel Sumaekpa (groundwater veinlet waves or harmful earth radiation) and replace it with good spirit. KalaChakra Mandala cleanses the body, mind and the spirit of a person and protects him/her from calamity and other misfortunes. (Further details of the Good Luck Charm are at the end of this article.)

Names of the participating chief abbots

Names of the participating chief abbots of the different Buddhist orders were Chief Abbots Bota from Daeun-san Bota Buddhist Temple, Jo Seong-Su of the Korean Buddhist Daebul Order, Shin Seung-Do of the Hoguk Buddhist Hyoye-Jong Order, Ji Oh of the Daeseung Buddhist Jogye Order, Ahn Sin-Pung of the Daewon Buddhist Daewon Order, Il Ung of the Korean Buddhist Jogye Order, Do Han-Ju of the Chongnam Buddhist Jogye Order, Eui Ryun (chairman of the Federation of the Korea Buddhist Orders), Hyu Gongof the World Buddhist Seungwang Order, Sin Seung-do of the Hyoye-Jong Order, and Ji Oh of the Korean Buddhist Daeseug Order. (Further details of the participating Chief Abbots are at the end of this article.)

Sermon by Chief Abbot Ven. Hyangdeok at Yeongsan-Jae rite
I express my heartfelt gratitude to the distinguished guests from within Korea and without, particularly to the Excellencies the members of the Seoul Diplomatic Corps and esteemed leaders of the religious organizations from all parts of the country and the leaders of all segments of society from Seoul and the different localities, for taking precious time out of their busy schedule to attend this Grand Yeongsan-Jae Rite where prayers are offered for the sake of peace and blessings of the world and Korea.
This Yeongsan-Jae Buddhist Rite is for offering prayers for helping the deceased souls still wandering in the Hades to find their way into the Paradise and for the preservation and enhancement of peace in the world. The Yeongsan-Jae Rite is observed not only in Korea but also in Sri Lanka, China, Japan and many other countries of the world. It is the proud culture and arts of the Buddhist circles.

The mankind is working toward achieving an everlasting peace and prosperity.
In spite of such an effort, however, the people are far from extricating themselves from endless conflicts and confrontations due to their unreserved selfishness and pursuit of personal gains. Even at this moment, we hear ceaseless gun shots from all corners of the Global Village and the people are suffering from hunger and starvation.
Peace is what everyone wants, but, all the same, it is an elusive one and we do not have a complete peace. This is why I humbly state that I have prepared this Yeongsan-Jae Rite to contribute to attaining peace in the world and, in particular, work toward achieving a new turn for durable peace in the society of mankind and the Buddhist world. We in the Global Village are all living under the same roof. All of us are brethren to one another and members of the same family. We are seeking a cease to all conflicts and we are seeking to have new hopes.
Through the Yeongsan-Jae Rite, I am praying and seeking to help the deceased souls still wandering in the Nether World to find their way into the Heaven, for peace to return to the world and for blessings and security come to Korea.
Peace-loving guests of distinction from within Korea and without and the broad masses! As a humble Buddhist priest, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Heads of State of all the different countries of the world and the members of the Diplomatic Corps here for the unreserved efforts they have made for the preservation and enhancement of peace in the world. My humble gratitude goes also to the representatives of the different government and other public organizations
Peace is not a gift that comes to us free. Peace is what we get as a result of efforts we all make jointly.Today, we have distinguished guests in attendance here who are the champions of peace.This humble Buddhist priest would like to present his resolve that he will continue to strive for the 365 days of the year to attain peace in the world as well as in Korea. It is my fixed conviction that perpetual peace will come to the world.
I wish every distinguished guest here the best of health and blessings. Thank you
The 25th Day of October 2009. Chairman Ven. Hyangdeok of the Yeongsan-Jae Rite for the Peace of the World and Security of the People Concurrently President of the United Buddhist Broadcasting Station, Chief Abbot of the People’s Buddhist Jogye Order and Head Priest of the Cheonman-Sa Buddhist Temple.

KalaChakra Mandala Good Luck Charm

KalaChakra Mandala is supposed to provide the keeper with good luck, the best of health and prosperity. It was thickly coated with gold. KalaChakra Mandala is compared to a “Wheal of Timelessness” and is known to purify the mind and body of the people making them good persons. People have both good luck and hard luck. However, when the people accept the Mandala in their heart, it is supposed to expel Sumaekpa (groundwater veinlet waves or harmful earth radiation) and replace it with good spirit. KalaChakra Mandala cleanses the body, mind and the spirit of a person and protects him/her from calamity and other misfortunes. (Further details of the Good Luck Charm are at the end of this article.)

How to use KalaChakra Mandala

Place your KalaChakra Mandala on the wall of your bedroom about halfway between the ceiling and the floor. The wall is the one which is closest to the
head portion of the bed. The KalaChakra Mandala have a strong effect of purifying intercepting the ill effects of the groundwater veinlet and purifying the evil spirit. It can help a peaceful sleep and a good dream.
Some people chant seven times, before going to sleep, “Om Ah Hum Hakya Mala Warawa Hum!” It is said that good spirit of the Mandala enters the head of the chanter and that evil spirit and spirit of illness will leave the body and mind of the chanter through the hole of Yongcheon (Dragon Stream) located at around the sole of each foot.
Every morning when you wake up, take three deep breaths to drive out the “Three Malices”(namely, greed, anger and ignorance) and place your forehead to the bottom of the Mandala, chanting three times the following “Mandala Prayers”: “My real mind is a generous mind. Benevolence is my real mind. To all living things, I am a ‘Being of Light and Love’ who extends kindness and benevolence.” 

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